FAQ's by StarBoard

FAQs : Your Interactive Display, StarBoard Software and WhiteBoard Questions Answered.

FAQ's by StarBoard

StarBoard FAQ's

IFPD stands for Interactive Flat Panel Display, a large-screen display technology that is touch-enabled and designed for interactive collaboration in the boardroom and classroom.

Yes, it is possible to customise an interactive display order with our StarBoard factory. We offer customisation options on all our products, such as adding custom branding or logos, choosing from different colour options, or modifying the design to meet specific needs.
Don’t hesitate to contact us directly to learn more about how to customise your interactive display order with our factory. We will be happy to discuss your customisation options and how to place a customised order.

Interactive displays, also known as interactive whiteboards or flat panel displays, are electronic devices that allow users to interact with digital content using touch or gesture input.

They typically consist of a large display screen, a computer or other processing unit, and touch-sensitive technology that lets users control the display using their fingers or a stylus.

Interactive displays incorporate various technologies, including infrared, resistive, capacitive, and acoustic pulse recognition. Infrared interactive displays use infrared sensors to detect the presence of a finger or stylus on the screen.

Resistive interactive displays use a layer of pressure-sensitive material that deforms when pressed, allowing the display to detect the presence and location of a touch. Capacitive interactive displays use a layer of conductive material, such as indium tin oxide, that stores electrical charges.

When a finger or stylus touches the screen, it disrupts the electrical field, and the display can detect the touch. Acoustic pulse recognition interactive displays use sound waves to detect touch or gestures on the screen.

Interactive displays are ideal for classrooms, conference rooms, and retail environments. They are used to display and interact with digital content such as documents, videos, presentations, annotation, brainstorming, and other collaborative activities.

Interactive panels are valuable for creating user interfaces for websites, applications, and other digital platforms. They allow users to interact with the interface more intuitively and engagingly by providing buttons, sliders, and other controls that can be clicked or manipulated to perform different actions or adjust settings.

Interactive panels are handy when users need to input data, adjust settings, or make choices to use a product or service. For example, a weather app might use an interactive panel to allow users to select their location, choose a forecast period, or view different types of weather data.

Overall, interactive panels can make it easier and more enjoyable for users to interact with a product or service and can help to improve the user experience.

Interaktive Panels sind wertvoll für die Erstellung von Benutzeroberflächen für Websites, Anwendungen und andere digitale Plattformen. Sie ermöglichen Benutzern eine intuitivere und ansprechendere Interaktion mit der Benutzeroberfläche, indem sie Schaltflächen, Schieberegler und andere Steuerelemente bereitstellen, die angeklickt oder manipuliert werden können, um verschiedene Aktionen auszuführen oder Einstellungen anzupassen.

Interaktive Panels sind praktisch, wenn Benutzer Daten eingeben, Einstellungen anpassen oder Entscheidungen treffen müssen, um ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung zu verwenden. Beispielsweise könnte eine Wetter-App ein interaktives Panel verwenden, um Benutzern zu ermöglichen, ihren Standort auszuwählen, einen Vorhersagezeitraum auszuwählen oder verschiedene Arten von Wetterdaten anzuzeigen.

Insgesamt können interaktive Panels die Interaktion mit einem Produkt oder einer Dienstleistung für Benutzer einfacher und angenehmer machen und dazu beitragen, die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern.

Yes, you can buy StarBoard Software as a standalone product. Contact our sales team for more information and pricing.